7th Grade Band 12/10/13 I can perform transitions in Patriotic Bits & Pieces, I can perform the dynamics in Little Drummer Boy according to the written dynamic markings AND my ENSEMBLE ROLE. DYNAMICS ­ the loudness and softness of music. ­Perform Patriotic Bits and Pieces with recording during attendance ­Long Tones, Articulation and Chop Builder 1A ­Down the Pike, Over the Break ­Review #1 & 2 Page 43 Concert Bb & Eb Scale & Arpeggio ­Patriotic Bits and Pieces ­ Transitions WATCHING!!! 6­19 25­35 57­63 73­end ­Little Drummer Boy ­Decrescendo at m4 ­5­19 everyone softer than trumpets, Clarinets (flute & oboe respond with melody fragments). ­crescendo in m17&18 ­17­22 Flute, Trumpet & Mallets have melody ­ play SOFTER than melody. Standards (Draft version of National Core Music Standards): Music Performance Analysis. Analyze expressive/technical and contextual characteristics of the piece and how each influences the performance. Core Content AH­07­1.1.3 Students will identify or explain various styles of music (gospel, Broadway musicals, blues, jazz, popular, marches, ballads). AH­07­4.1.4 Students will use a variety of musical sound sources to create and perform music. AH­07­4.1.5 Students will sing or play alone and sustain own part in an ensemble, a given piece of music with increasingly complex melodies and rhythmic patterns in treble and bass clef (with practice). 1 7th Grade Band 12/10/13 I can perform the dynamics in Little Drummer Boy according to the written dynamic markings AND my ENSEMBLE ROLE. DYNAMICS ­ the loudness and softness of music. ­Perform Patriotic Bits and Pieces with recording during attendance ­Long Tones, Articulation and Chop Builder 1A ­Down the Pike, Over the Break ­Review #1 & 2 Page 43 Concert Bb & Eb Scale & Arpeggio ­Little Drummer Boy ­crescendo in m17&18 ­17­22 Flute, Trumpet & Mallets have melody ­ play SOFTER than melody. ­m31 ­ Cl & Saxes need to be heard above ensemble (accent) ­m32 ­ Tpt.need to be heard above ensemble ­m33 ­ Flt & Oboe need to be heard above ensemble ­m34­end Flt, Oboe & Tpt need to be heard above ensemble Hallelujah Chorus ­Run Standards (Draft version of National Core Music Standards): Music Performance Analysis. Analyze expressive/technical and contextual characteristics of the piece and how each influences the performance. Core Content AH­07­1.1.3 Students will identify or explain various styles of music (gospel, Broadway musicals, blues, jazz, popular, marches, ballads). AH­07­4.1.4 Students will use a variety of musical sound sources to create and perform music. AH­07­4.1.5 Students will sing or play alone and sustain own part in an ensemble, a given piece of music with increasingly complex melodies and rhythmic patterns in treble and bass clef (with practice). 2 7th Grade Band 12/12/13 I can perform my concert music ­Perform Patriotic Bits and Pieces with recording during attendance ­Long Tones, Articulation and Chop Builder 1A ­tune ­Run Concert ­Patriotic Bits and Pieces ­Little Drummer Boy ­Hallelujah Chorus Standards (Draft version of National Core Music Standards): Music Performance Analysis. Analyze expressive/technical and contextual characteristics of the piece and how each influences the performance. Core Content AH­07­1.1.3 Students will identify or explain various styles of music (gospel, Broadway musicals, blues, jazz, popular, marches, ballads). AH­07­4.1.4 Students will use a variety of musical sound sources to create and perform music. AH­07­4.1.5 Students will sing or play alone and sustain own part in an ensemble, a given piece of music with increasingly complex melodies and rhythmic patterns in treble and bass clef (with practice). 3 7th Grade Band 12/13/13 I can perform a concert Ab, mf, mp, 3/4 and 1st and 2nd endings. Long Tones 1 & 2 Articulations Concert Bb Scale Page 43 Concert Eb Scale Page 43 Tradition of Excellence #75 Fais Do Standards (Draft version of National Core Music Standards): Music Performance Analysis. Analyze expressive/technical and contextual characteristics of the piece and how each influences the performance. Core Content AH­07­1.1.3 Students will identify or explain various styles of music (gospel, Broadway musicals, blues, jazz, popular, marches, ballads). AH­07­4.1.4 Students will use a variety of musical sound sources to create and perform music. AH­07­4.1.5 Students will sing or play alone and sustain own part in an ensemble, a given piece of music with increasingly complex melodies and rhythmic patterns in treble and bass clef (with practice). 4 Attachments http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgrSwoIfNQ0 Concert Band Halleluja Pride of Indy