7th Grade Band 12/10/13

7th Grade Band 12/10/13
I can perform transitions in Patriotic Bits & Pieces,
I can perform the dynamics in Little Drummer Boy according
to the written dynamic markings AND my ENSEMBLE ROLE. DYNAMICS ­ the loudness and softness of music. ­Perform Patriotic Bits and Pieces with recording during attendance
­Long Tones, Articulation and Chop Builder 1A
­Down the Pike, Over the Break
­Review #1 & 2 Page 43 Concert Bb & Eb Scale & Arpeggio ­Patriotic Bits and Pieces ­ Transitions WATCHING!!!
­Little Drummer Boy ­Decrescendo at m4
­5­19 everyone softer than trumpets, Clarinets (flute &
oboe respond with melody fragments). ­crescendo in m17&18
­17­22 Flute, Trumpet & Mallets have melody ­ play SOFTER than melody. Standards (Draft version of National Core Music Standards):
Music Performance Analysis. Analyze expressive/technical and contextual characteristics of the piece and how each influences the performance. Core Content
Students will identify or explain various styles of music (gospel, Broadway musicals, blues, jazz, popular, marches, ballads).
Students will use a variety of musical sound sources to create and perform music.
Students will sing or play alone and sustain own part in an ensemble, a given piece of music with increasingly complex melodies and rhythmic patterns in treble and bass clef (with practice).
7th Grade Band 12/10/13
I can perform the dynamics in Little Drummer Boy according
to the written dynamic markings AND my ENSEMBLE ROLE. DYNAMICS ­ the loudness and softness of music. ­Perform Patriotic Bits and Pieces with recording during attendance
­Long Tones, Articulation and Chop Builder 1A
­Down the Pike, Over the Break
­Review #1 & 2 Page 43 Concert Bb & Eb Scale & Arpeggio ­Little Drummer Boy ­crescendo in m17&18
­17­22 Flute, Trumpet & Mallets have melody ­ play SOFTER than melody. ­m31 ­ Cl & Saxes need to be heard above ensemble (accent)
­m32 ­ Tpt.need to be heard above ensemble ­m33 ­ Flt & Oboe need to be heard above ensemble ­m34­end Flt, Oboe & Tpt need to be heard above ensemble
Hallelujah Chorus ­Run Standards (Draft version of National Core Music Standards):
Music Performance Analysis. Analyze expressive/technical and contextual characteristics of the piece and how each influences the performance. Core Content
Students will identify or explain various styles of music (gospel, Broadway musicals, blues, jazz, popular, marches, ballads).
Students will use a variety of musical sound sources to create and perform music.
Students will sing or play alone and sustain own part in an ensemble, a given piece of music with increasingly complex melodies and rhythmic patterns in treble and bass clef (with practice).
7th Grade Band 12/12/13
I can perform my concert music ­Perform Patriotic Bits and Pieces with recording during attendance
­Long Tones, Articulation and Chop Builder 1A
­Run Concert ­Patriotic Bits and Pieces
­Little Drummer Boy
­Hallelujah Chorus
Standards (Draft version of National Core Music Standards):
Music Performance Analysis. Analyze expressive/technical and contextual characteristics of the piece and how each influences the performance. Core Content
Students will identify or explain various styles of music (gospel, Broadway musicals, blues, jazz, popular, marches, ballads).
Students will use a variety of musical sound sources to create and perform music.
Students will sing or play alone and sustain own part in an ensemble, a given piece of music with increasingly complex melodies and rhythmic patterns in treble and bass clef (with practice).
7th Grade Band 12/13/13
I can perform a concert Ab, mf, mp, 3/4 and 1st and 2nd endings.
Long Tones 1 & 2
Concert Bb Scale Page 43
Concert Eb Scale Page 43
Tradition of Excellence #75 Fais Do
Standards (Draft version of National Core Music Standards):
Music Performance Analysis. Analyze expressive/technical and contextual characteristics of the piece and how each influences the performance. Core Content
Students will identify or explain various styles of music (gospel, Broadway musicals, blues, jazz, popular, marches, ballads).
Students will use a variety of musical sound sources to create and perform music.
Students will sing or play alone and sustain own part in an ensemble, a given piece of music with increasingly complex melodies and rhythmic patterns in treble and bass clef (with practice).
Concert Band Halleluja Pride of Indy